Crab Feed – Saturday, January 10 at 6 PM

Crab Feed – January 10 – 6:00 pm at St. Rose Parish Hall, 398 10 St., Santa Rosa

Come to our 1st annual all you can eat Crab Feed with Ceviche, Pesto Pasta, Salad, Garlic Bread & Dessert.  Drinks available for purchase at the bar. Raffle & entertainment. $50 per person if tickets purchased before January 5, 2015; $55 per person after January 5th. Purchase tickets by credit card at or send check to NBICF at 64 Brookwood Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.

Crab_imageAll profits support the scholarship and cultural programs of the North Bay Italian Cultural Foundation. For more information, call 707-591-9696.