Author Archives: Don Raimondi

March Monthly Dinner

March 16 – Tavola di San Giuseppe Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall 

  • Monday, March 16, 5:00 pm – Monthly Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall Dining Room, 398 10th Street, Santa Rosa. Our March dinner celebrates St. Joseph’s Day with our annual Tavola di San Giuseppe Dinner. In the spirit of giving, NBICF will make a donation from the 50/50 raffle to CASA, a local charity for abused children. 
  • Guests are invited to donate sweets for the tavola to be shared as dessert and non-perishable food items to be donated to F.I.S.H., a local food bank. 
  • The March menu highlights the Region of Friuli in the northeast corner of Italy: antipasti, salad, pesce fritto, fettuccini alio olio and dessert from tavola di San Giuseppe. Doors open at 5:00 – Dinner at 6:00. Prepaid reservations only must be received by March 11.
  • $14 for members, $16 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free. See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for dinner reservation forms.

March-April Newsletter

The Mosaico March-April Newsletter is availableClick here to review and print the current newsletter. For past newsletters and instructions on printing the newsletter, go to the Newsletter page.  Upcoming events described in the Mosaico.

  • March 16  – Tavola di_San Giuseppe Dinner at St. Rose Parrish Hall
  • March 29  – Sunday at the Center Movie – Sunflower with Sophia Loren & Marcello Mastroianni
  • April 20 – Buona Pasqua Dinner (Post Easter) at St. Rose Parrish Hall
  • April 26 – Sunday at the Center Movie – The Talented Mr. Ripley with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Matt Damon and Phillip Seymour Hoffman

The March 16 Dinner celebrates St. Joseph: Patron, Provider and Protector.  Janet Barocco has written an article about the history of La Festa e La Tavola di San Guiseppe. Click here for this article.  In the spirit of St. Joseph’s Day, please consider bringing a non-perishable food donation to the dinner for our donation to F.I.S.H, a local food bank

NBICF Spring 2015 Scholarships

NBICF Santa Rosa Junior College Spring Semester Scholarship Program

Since the NBICF Scholarship Program was established in 1986, more than $100,000 has been awarded. For the 2015 Spring Semester, we are pleased to offer eight scholarships to qualified students at Santa Rosa Junior College:

  • Marianne Pedroncelli Scholarship to a student whose academic pursuits have a direct link to Italy or the Italo-American experience, either past or present.
  • Jeannette Mancini Mitchell Scholarship to a future educator with a course in Italian or an Italy Study Abroad experience. 
  • Five NBICF Scholarships to students enrolled in Italian language classes.
    Consideration will be given to current NBICF members and members of their immediate family.
  • Italy Study Abroad Scholarship to a student furthering their education through study in Italy.

For information & applications for these scholarships, see the Scholarship page

Risorgimento Lecture at ICC – February 15, 2:00 PM

February 15 – “RISORGIMENTO” presented by Douglas Kenning, Ph.D.

This is a special Sundays at the Center Event at the Italian Cultural Center – Doors open at 2:00 PM – presentation at 2:30 PM. Come learn about the “RISORGIMENTO” (Rising again), the 19th century movement for Italian unification that culminated in the establishment of the kingdom of Italy in 1861. Dr. Kenning received his doctorate from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and has taught at universities in the U.S., Tunisia, Japan, and Italy. He is also the author of books, articles, and stage plays. 

Seating is be limited to 50. Use the reservation form in the current Mosaico CulturaleA suggested donation of $5.00 is appreciated. Refreshments will be available for purchase.

Mary’s Pizza Shack at 535 Summerfield Road in Santa Rosa has generously provided NBICF with a Dine Donate Fundraiser in conjunction with this event. 20% of food purchased before or after the lecture at this location will be donated to NBICFObtain a Dine & Donate Coupon at the event. 

Carnevale Party – February 16


Monday, February 16, 2015 – Carnevale di Venezia – Doors open 5 PM – Dinner 6 PM. 
Come to the annual Carnevale celebration at St. Rose Parish Hall, 398 10th Street, Santa Rosa. A special event with entertainment by Due Zighi Baci with special guest bassist Stephen Tamborski. Join your friends & family for an evening of great food, entertainment and dancing. For more information about the entertainment, click here.


Dinner menu will feature antipasti platter with bread, risotto con barolo, roast beef, broccoli, salad and dessert. Costume & mask optional. Raffle with many wonderful prizes.
$18 members, $20 guests, $8 teens 13-18, $5 children 5-12, under 5 free. See current newsletter Mosaico Culturale for dinner reservation form – prepaid reservations only … must be received by February 7, 2015.


January Monthly Dinner

January 19 – Board Installation Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall 

  • Monday, January 19, 5:00 pm – Monthly Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall Dining Room, 398 10th Street, Santa Rosa. Our January dinner is our annual Board Installation dinner. Come and meet your new Board of Directors and enjoy a hearty winter repast. 
  • The January menu highlights the region of Valle D’Aosta: antipasti, polenta with pork stufato, green salad, bread and dessert. A 50/50 raffle is planned.  Doors open at 5:00 – Dinner at 6:00. Prepaid reservations only must be received by January 15.
  • $14 for members, $16 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free. See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for dinner reservation forms.

January-February Newsletter

The Mosaico January-February Newsletter is availableClick here to review and print the current newsletter. For past newsletters and instructions on printing the newsletter, go to the Newsletter page.  Upcoming events described in the Mosaico.

  • January 10  – Crab Feed at St. Rose Parrish Hall
  • January 19  – Board Installation Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall
  • January 25  – Sunday at the Center Movie – I’m Crazy About Iris Blond
  • February 15 – Risorgimento Lecture by Douglas Kenning, Ph.D. at the Center followed by Dine & Donate Fundraiser at Mary’s Pizza Shack
  • February 16 – Carnevale Party at St. Rose Parish Hall
  • February 22 – Sunday at the Center Movie – For Roseanna


Crab Feed – Saturday, January 10 at 6 PM

Crab Feed – January 10 – 6:00 pm at St. Rose Parish Hall, 398 10 St., Santa Rosa

Come to our 1st annual all you can eat Crab Feed with Ceviche, Pesto Pasta, Salad, Garlic Bread & Dessert.  Drinks available for purchase at the bar. Raffle & entertainment. $50 per person if tickets purchased before January 5, 2015; $55 per person after January 5th. Purchase tickets by credit card at or send check to NBICF at 64 Brookwood Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.

Crab_imageAll profits support the scholarship and cultural programs of the North Bay Italian Cultural Foundation. For more information, call 707-591-9696. 

December Monthly Dinner

December 19 – Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall 

  • Friday, December 19, 5:00 pm – Monthly Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall Dining Room, 398 10th Street, Santa Rosa. Our December dinner is our Christmas cena – Festa di Natale. The menu features New York Strip Roast with all the trimmings.
  • Muscial entertainment, a raffle, mini mercato and a visit from the Befana. Doors open at 5:00 – Dinner at 6:00. Prepaid reservations only must be received by December 16.
  • $18 for members, $20 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free. See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for dinner reservation forms.

November Monthly Dinner

November 17 – Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall

  • Monday, November 17, 5:00 pm – Monthly Dinner at St. Rose Parish Hall Dining Room, 398 10th Street, Santa Rosa. Our November dinner will observe Thanksgiving. The menu features garlic/lemon roasted chicken, butternut squash, salad, bread and pumpkin based dessert. 
  • Entertainment, a mini mercato and a few surprises for a lively evening. Doors open at 5:00 – Dinner at 6:00. Prepaid reservations only must be received by November 14.
  • $14 for members, $16 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free. See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for dinner reservation forms.