Author Archives: Don Raimondi

Subscribe to news of North Bay Italian Cultural Foundation

A new NBICF web site is in development.  If you would like to participate in the evaluation of the new site and offer constructive criticism to the authors, please click on this link to visit the site and send your feedback to

If you want to subscribe to updates on NBICF’s activities, you can visit the site and click on the News page on the menu. This page will show recent news items that have been announced and posted. On the right pane, find the E-MAIL SUBSCRIPTION LINK and click on the Subscribe link.  A pop-up window will request your email address.  Subsequently, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription.  When you confirm your subscription, you will be registered to receive an email notice if there is any important updates.


December Dinner Update 2

  • Sunday, December 15, 5:00 pm – La Festa di Natale – Annual Christmas Dinner at Santa Rosa Veteran’s Hall featuring our special Prime Rib Dinner with all the trimmings. We will have a special entertainment program by Coro Allegro. There will be a yuletide themed raffle. Doors open at 4:30 pm and dinner is served at 5:00 pm. Prepaid reservations only by December 11. Seating is limited, reserve now, no payment at the door.  Bring the children as Befana will be there with candy. 
    $18 for members, $20 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free

See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for dinner reservation forms.

Activities at the Italian Cultural Center

Sundays at the Center – Movies, Opera, Lectures

Activities at the Center continue providing interesting Italian movies, operas and lectures. The doors open at 2:00pm and the program begins at 2:30pm. Refreshments will be provided. Please call to reserve your seat at no charge. See the current newsletter for descriptions of these programs:

November 24 – Movie – Swept Away with Giancarlo Giannini
December 8 – Opera – Hansel and Gretel
December 29 – Movie – The Red Violin

Italian Conversation Incontro at the Center – See Language page for details.

Book Club

Do you enjoy discusions about Italy and our Italian culture? You are invited to join the monthly book group meetings. The group meets at the Center on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. New members welcome. Call the office for information on current selections, see the current newsletter. 

See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for more information on these activities.

Monthly Dinner – November

  • Sunday, November 17, 5:00 pm – Monthly Dinner at Santa Rosa Veteran’s Hall featuring antipasti, Roasted Chicken, risotto, butternut squash, salad, rolls, beverages and dessert. Doors open at 4:30 pm and dinner is served at 5:00 pm. Come early and enjoy music and visits with friends. Prepaid reservations only by November 13. Seating is limited, reserve now, no payment at the door.
    $14 for members, $16 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free

November Dinner Update

  • Sunday, November 17, 5:00 pm – Monthly Dinner at Santa Rosa Veteran’s Hall featuring antipasti, Roasted Chicken, risotto, butternut squash, salad, rolls, beverages and dessert. Doors open at 4:30 pm and dinner is served at 5:00 pm. Come early and enjoy music and visits with friends. Prepaid reservations only by November 13. Seating is limited, reserve now, no payment at the door.
    There will be a general meeting to elect 2014 Board of Directors. 
  • $14 for members, $16 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free

December Dinner Update

  • Sunday, December 15, 5:00 pm – La Festa di Natale – Annual Christmas Dinner at Santa Rosa Veteran’s Hall featuring our special Prime Rib Dinner with all the trimmings. We will have a special entertainment program by Coro Allegro. There will be a yuletide themed raffle. Doors open at 4:30 pm and dinner is served at 5:00 pm. Prepaid reservations only by December 11. Seating is limited, reserve now, no payment at the door.  Bring the children as Befana will be there with candy.
    $18 for members, $20 guests, $8 teens 13-17, $5 for children 5-12, under 5 free

See the current newsletter, Mosaico Culturale, for dinner reservation forms.